Sunday, December 5, 2010

Dear Maven - Powering Scentmates

Dear Maven,

I love my ScentMateTM but I go through batteries faster than I do in my kid’s toys! Can you tell me if this is normal or is there something wrong with my little buddy?

It sounds like you’re just like me—I “play” with my ScentMate constantly so it’s not surprising you are using up the batteries so quickly!

You have to think of it this way: The ScentMate is like your toy. Your kids play with their toys so much, so that’s why the batteries go kaput so quickly. It’s the same with your ScentMate. While it can be used for extended periods of time, the battery usage will be affected. The more you use it, the more often batteries need replaced. Simple, I know, but I wanted to spell it out for everyone :-)

Since you’re an avid user (yay you!) I suggest you purchase a USB connector or 3V power adapter at your local electronics store as an alternative power source if your ScentMate is used often or for extended periods of time. Save those batteries for when you really need them and can’t use an outlet.

I also would like to mention, if you have customers looking for a product that they can use for extended periods of time, without the need for battery replacement, I have your answer—Scent Pods & Warmers are a wonderful alternative!

And … If customers are looking for a product that can be used for extended periods of time with little maintenance (i.e. turning it on and off) Diffusers are great and last 3-5 months.

Wow, the Suddenly Scented® product line really offers a variety of unlit fragrance options based on customer needs—I love that! I know your customers will too, so make sure to let them know their options and let them have fun choosing!

Always havin’ fun,


Dear Maven is a column in our monthly demonstrator’s newsletters. I have not written any of these articles, but am sharing them here for your information.

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