Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Around the Blogosphere

I’m always trying to catch up with reading the various blogs I subscribe to. It takes quite a bit of time, as some bloggers can be rather plentiful with their posts.

Recently blogger Pragmatic Mom started several new series of posts. My favorite so far? The Teach Me Tuesdays. I must remember these posts when it comes time to plan programs for next year’s Summer Reading Program. Of the three or so TMTs thus far, there has been a theme of multiculturalism that perfectly fits the SRP them of One World, Many Stories.

Meanwhile, Mother Reader has been doing a series of posts focusing on the Cybil Awards while also highlighting her ABC Storytime features. She’s also doing a book giveaway…

Liz at A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy has provided a review of the book Hush by Eishes Chayil. This is the second blog that I read which has reviewed this book. Unfortunately, no one has ordered it yet for my library. *sigh* I would like to read it!

Bad Mummy Bec has really ramped up her posting! She’s been featuring a variety of crafts and other just plain cool things on her blog. I think I’ve even read somewhere (perhaps on Facebook) that she is starting a Bad Mummy forum. Bec, m’dear, if you are reading this, care to do a post or few featuring children’s lit Down Under?

Sarah at Simply Primal and Simply Sunshine is talking about Thanksgiving dinner…especially doing it gluten free.

Sharon at Sharon's Life is planning a holiday. Here's hoping she can go somewhere fantastic. Hey, Sharon, think you can stow me in your luggage?

That’s just a few of the many blogs I’m currently reading. I need to find the time to update this blog more and to post more book reviews on Ama's Get Booked.

Speaking of the other blog...if this post looks a wee bit familiar, it's because I "cheated" and copied it from my book blog. Whatever works, eh?

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